Was 1920s America a land of opportunity?

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Teachit Author
Was 1920s America a land of opportunity?
Main Subject
Key stage
Exam board
Depth/Period studies: 20th century America
Resource type
Student activity
Complete lesson
Concepts and methods
Similarity and difference

This resource provides detailed background information and case-study cards for students to work through tasks on the enquiry question 'Was 1920s America a land of opportunity?'. Students begin with reading comprehension and by defining key terms, before sorting the case study cards into the experiences of immigrants, ethnic minorities, and both. Students are then tasked to plan an essay response to the title question. (Note, the essay task is not aligned to the exam board technique, but could be easily tweaked).

This resource was planned for AQA's GCSE History: America - Opportunity and Inequality: 1920–1973.

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